Save Homeless Cows in Dehradun

Save Homeless Cows
Doon Animal Welfare

A Ray of Hope for Homeless Cows

In our culture, cows hold the revered status of mothers to the entire world. Our scriptures describe them as the abode of all deities, attributing significance to every part of their being. Even the mere presence of a cow’s shadow is considered auspicious according to our traditions. The sight of a mother cow during travel is believed to ensure a smooth and pleasant journey. Across religious texts, cows are revered as sacred beings, with even the air that touches their bodies considered holy within our Sanatana Dharma.

Despite being revered as mothers in Indian culture, the plight of cows in India, where they hold such esteemed status, paints a distressing picture. Often, we witness cows starving or consuming plastic and waste, left without proper care or provisions. Consequently, they become vulnerable to accidents and serious illnesses, sometimes caused by ingesting polythene. The condition of cow shelters also remains a glaring issue. Recognizing the divine status of the cow as one of God’s most cherished creations, revered as the mother of the entire universe, we worship her with deep reverence and pure emotions. It is within this spirit that Doon Animal Welfare has undertaken the noble initiative of Gauseva.

Help Doon Animal Welfare

Doon Animal Welfareā€™ is one of the largest Gaushala of cows in Dehradun. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of these Gauvansh are milk barren. These cows are brought to our Gaushala from tough conditions. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after by hundreds of Gausewaks who work round the clock. This Gaushala is run by Milli Kaur. We do not exploit these cows for milk but distribute it free to saints and Gausewaks.

We started with just 9 cows in the year 2016 in Dehradun, and presently we shelter and feed more than 2000+ cows, bulls & Dogs in various locations all put together. This number is ever-increasing as stray Cows & Dogs mostly deserted by their owner are brought to our Gaushala every day.

Best Gaushala in Dehradun

The main goal of Doon Animal Welfare is to rescue and provide shelter to neglected cows and bulls. They work hard to save many lives by offering a safe place to stay, food, and medical care.

Their Gaushala is a large place spread over different areas, where these animals can live comfortably and safely. The cows and bulls there get good food, clean water, and medical help to keep them healthy and happy.

It is really important work because a lot of these cows and bulls are abandoned and left alone. Without help, they could suffer and die slowly. That’s why what this organization does is so important.

If you want to help stop mother cows from being hungry, homeless or sent to slaughterhouses, donate and help to Doon Animal Welfare for their amazing contribution.

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About Doon Animal Welfare

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