Donate us To Save Helpless Cows

Donate us To Save Helpless Cows
  • May 27, 2024

Donate us To Save Helpless Cows

In our cultural tradition, cows are revered as maternal figures to the world. Described in scriptures as the dwelling places of deities, every aspect of their existence holds significance. Even the presence of a cow’s shadow is deemed auspicious in our customs, believed to bless journeys with smoothness and joy. Across religious teachings, cows are honored as sacred entities, with the very air touching their forms considered holy within our Sanatana Dharma.

Despite their revered status as mothers in Indian culture, the reality of cows in India, where they are held in such high esteem, presents a troubling image. Too often, we witness cows suffering from starvation or ingesting harmful materials like plastic and waste due to neglect and lack of proper care. This leaves them vulnerable to accidents and severe illnesses, sometimes stemming from the ingestion of polythene. The state of cow shelters also remains a pressing concern.

Acknowledging the divine status of cows as among God’s most cherished creations, revered as the maternal figures of the entire universe, we hold deep reverence and pure emotions in our worship of them. It is in this spirit that Doon Animal Welfare has embarked upon the noble initiative of Gauseva.

Support Us To Promote Gauseva – Save Helpless Cows

‘Doon Animal Welfare’ stands as one of Dehradun’s largest Gaushala for cows. Here, we provide protection, sustenance, and refuge to ailing, starving, destitute, and stray Desi Cows and Bulls, many of whom are abandoned by their caretakers or rescued from slaughterhouses. The majority of these bovine creatures are unable to produce milk. They arrive at our sanctuary after enduring harsh conditions. Our dedicated team of hundreds of volunteers, known as Gausewaks, tirelessly tend to these animals day and night. Under the stewardship of Milli Kaur, this gaushala operates without exploiting the cows for their milk, instead, we offer it freely to saints and Gausewaks.

Our journey began modestly in 2016 with just nine cows in Dehradun. Today, we provide shelter and sustenance to over 2000 cows, bulls, and dogs across various locations. This number continues to grow steadily as more stray cows and dogs, often abandoned by their owners, find their way to our gaushala every day.

Best Gaushala in Dehradun – Save Helpless Cows in Dehradun

The primary objective of Doon Animal Welfare is to rescue and provide gaushala for neglected cows and bulls. Through their dedicated efforts, they save numerous lives by offering a secure environment, nourishment, and medical attention. Their Gaushala encompasses vast areas, ensuring these animals can dwell comfortably and safely. Cared for with nutritious food, clean water, and medical aid, the cows and bulls receive the support necessary to maintain their well-being and contentment.

This work holds significant importance as many of these animals are abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Without intervention, they face the prospect of suffering and eventual demise. Therefore, the endeavors of this organization are invaluable.

To contribute to the noble cause of preventing mother cows from experiencing hunger, homelessness, or being sent to slaughterhouses, consider donating to and supporting Doon Animal Welfare for their speechless efforts.

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