How to Remove Pitra Dosh - What is Pitra Dosh ?

How to Remove Pitra Dosh
Doon Animal Welfare

How to Remove Pitra Dosh

Pitra Dosh is believed to be a significant astrological condition that can affect the harmony and well-being of a family. Many people believe that Pitra Dosh occurs when our ancestors are not in peace or when their blessings are missing from our lives. This can result in problems like financial issues, health challenges, relationship difficulties, and a general feeling of being stuck in life. But the good news is that there are remedies to overcome Pitra Dosh, and one of the most powerful solutions is Gau Seva—serving cows with love and care.

In ancient Indian traditions, cows have always been regarded as sacred beings. They are often referred to as ‘Gaumata,’ meaning mother, because they provide us with so many essential resources like milk, dung, and urine, all of which have significant spiritual and medicinal value. Cows are deeply connected to the divine and are believed to be the favorite of Lord Krishna. Serving them with devotion can bring peace and blessings not just to the person serving but to their entire family, including their ancestors.

1. What is Pitra Dosh & How to Remove Pitra Dosh

Pitra Dosh is an astrological condition caused by the presence of malefic planets in one’s horoscope. This condition is linked to the souls of one’s ancestors who may not have attained peace due to various reasons, such as not receiving proper rituals, not being honored, or being displeased. It is believed that when the ancestors are upset, they can affect the lives of their descendants.

Symptoms of Pitra Dosh include:

👉 Constant financial issues despite hard work

👉 Health issues, particularly those that are long-term and difficult to cure

👉 Delays in marriages or problems in married life

👉 Difficulties in childbirth or child rearing

👉 Unnecessary arguments and conflicts within the family

2. How to Remove Pitra Dosh through Gau Seva

Gau Seva, or the service of cows, is considered one of the purest forms of service. In Hindu scriptures, it is said that all gods and goddesses reside within the cow, and by serving the cow, one can attain their blessings. Here’s how Gau Seva can help you remove Pitra Dosh:

Peace to Ancestors: By taking care of cows, you are not just performing a good deed but also honoring the souls of your ancestors. This act of kindness can bring peace to their souls, thereby freeing you from the malefic effects of Pitra Dosh.

Spiritual Cleansing: Serving cows cleanses your karma and removes negative energies. This spiritual purification can positively impact all aspects of your life, from health to wealth and relationships.

Fulfills Pitra Paksha Rituals: Pitra Paksha is a specific period in the Hindu calendar where ancestors are worshipped, and rituals are performed for their peace. Donating to cows and serving them during this period is especially powerful in removing Pitra Dosh.

Blessings from Gaumata: The cow is considered a symbol of abundance and nourishment. By feeding and caring for cows, you receive blessings of wealth, prosperity, and happiness in return.

    Click the link below to make your donation for Pitra Paksha 2024 and start your journey toward peace and spiritual growth:

    👉 Donate for Pitra Paksha 2024

    3. How to Perform Gau Seva During Pitra Paksha

    Gau Seva can be done in several ways, each having its own spiritual benefits. Here are some simple ways you can perform Gau Seva and remove Pitra Dosh:

    Donate to a Gaushala: A Gaushala is a shelter for cows where they are provided with food, medical care, and protection. By donating money or resources to a Gaushala, you are ensuring that these sacred animals are well taken care of. During Pitra Paksha 2024, you can make a donation to Doon Animal Welfare Shradh Campaign to serve cows in need and seek peace for your ancestors.

    Feed Cows: If you have access to cows nearby, you can feed them grass, jaggery, or other food items. Offering food to cows is considered highly auspicious and is believed to please the souls of ancestors.

    Offer Shelter to Cows: Providing shelter to cows who are abandoned or in need is a powerful way to remove Pitra Dosh. You can support cow shelters that take care of injured or sick cows, ensuring their well-being.

    Perform Cow Worship (Gau Pooja): On special days like Mondays or during festivals such as Govardhan Puja, you can perform Gau Pooja, where you honor and worship the cow as a divine being. This act helps in getting rid of bad karmas and bringing peace to your ancestors.

    4. Why Donate to Doon Animal Welfare ?

    Doon Animal Welfare has been actively involved in rescuing and caring for abandoned and injured cows in Dehradun. They offer shelter, medical care, and healthy food to thousands of cows, many of whom are old or disabled. By donating to their Shradh Campaign, you can ensure that these cows are well taken care of, It is believed that doing Gau Seva and cow donation is the only way to remove Pitra Dosh.

    Your donation, whether big or small, will not only bring peace to your ancestors but also help protect and nurture innocent cows. This selfless act will attract divine blessings and help you and your family overcome the obstacles caused by Pitra Dosh.


    Pitra Dosh can bring many challenges into one’s life, but through the simple and pure act of Gau Seva, you can remove these obstacles and bring peace and prosperity to your family. As we approach Pitra Paksha 2024, take this opportunity to donate for the welfare of cows and seek the blessings of your ancestors.

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