20 Amazing Facts About Cows in India

20 amazing facts about cows in India
Doon Animal Welfare

20 Amazing facts about cows in India

In Hinduism, the cow has been called as a mother figure. In ancient texts like the Puranas, religion is symbolized by the cow. Lord Krishna himself cared for cows, and his heavenly realm is said to be filled with them. The cow is also known as Kamdhenu, believed to fulfill all wishes. This importance of the cow has both religious and scientific reasons. Even today, cows are called Gaumata, or mother cow, in Indian society.

According to scriptures, when the universe was created, the cow was the first animal sent to Earth by Lord Brahma. It is said that the word “mother” itself comes from the cow, as it’s the only animal that says “mother.” Like a mother, the cow nourishes us with her milk. Ayurveda teaches that cow milk is very beneficial, especially for children after their mother’s milk.

So come, let’s discuss about 20 amazing facts about cows in India

1. Cow’s milk is often called nectar because it is so beneficial for us. When a mother cannot breastfeed her baby, she sometimes gives the cow’s milk to baby.

2. In addition to cow’s milk, cow urine, dung, ghee, curd, buttermilk, and butter are all nutritious for our health.

3. India has around 30 different breeds of cows, including the Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Gir, Devni, and Tharparkar breeds. These breeds are the most common milk-producing cows in India.

4. Cow urine, also known as Gomutra, is considered one of the Panchagavyas. Some modern research suggests that it has highly beneficial medicinal properties.

5. Cow’s milk contains a protein made up of 7 amino acids, which helps prevent bone diseases.

6. Drinking red-colored cow’s milk can boost energy levels, while black-colored cow’s milk helps protect against stomach-related gas diseases.

7. Cows are unable to identify the difference between red and green colors.

8. A cow’s heart beats around 60 to 70 times per minute.

9. Cows have better hearing power than humans.

10. A cow normal temperature is 101°F.

11. A cow chews about 40,000 times, using its teeth to grind food but not to eat grass directly.

12. A cow has only one stomach, but it is divided into four different digestive compartments.

13. Scientists have found that cow’s urine contains a plentiful amount of Vitamin B12.

14. When cow dung is used in rituals, it helps to kill germs and eliminate foul smells.

15. Cows typically spend 10 to 12 hours each day lying down, but most of this time is for relaxation rather than sleep.

16. When cows eat food, it gets fermented in their stomachs and produces a lot of methane gas. Cows can make between 250 to 500 liters of this gas every day. Methane is even more powerful at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

17. Cows can see almost all around them, covering about 330 degrees, but they have small blind spots right in front of and behind them.

18. Cows have a great sense of smell and can sniff out scents from up to six miles away.

19. There is an electric current of 1.5 amperes in cow urine.

20. A cow can drink 30 to 50 gallons of water every day.

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