Importance of Gaumata - Doon Animal Welfare

Importance of Gaumata
  • June 13, 2024

Importance of Gaumata

In India, cows are really important. They have been a big deal for a long, long time, going back to ancient texts called the Vedas. Back then, having lots of cows was a sign of being really important, like a king. People used to give cows as gifts, especially after helping out a teacher. Cows are seen as super special because it is believed that they have spiritual powers and gods live inside them.

Not only that, but cows are super important to the economy and culture of India. They are kind of like a backbone for the country, helping out in lots of different ways. So, basically, in India, cows are like a big symbol of importance and are treated with a lot of respect and care.

Importance of Cow – Importance of Gaumata

In spiritual stuff, hanging out with cows, taking care of them, and drinking their milk are really, really important. That is why since forever ago, like in the Vedas, wise people have thought cows are a big deal. Lord Shri Krishna thought taking care of cows was super important. That is why in our holy books, cows are called “mother” and there are rules about how to take care of them.

The Significance of Gauseva

Even science has found that indigenous cows have a lot of good stuff in them, like making you healthier, happier, and even wealthier. Saints say that just being around a cow can make you feel better and think more clearly. Taking care of cows and keeping them safe can make you feel spiritually uplifted. People who do this often have happy families and lots of good things in their lives.

Drinking cow’s milk helps get rid of bad thoughts because cow urine can help with mental problems. That is why experts recommend drinking a mixture called Panchgavya, which has lots of good stuff from cows in it. Cow’s milk is especially great for making you smarter and more talented. It is even said to help your family have good qualities passed down through generations.

Benefits of Cow Dung and Cow Urine

Food grown with cow dung from indigenous cows is really special. It is like magic fertilizer! Unlike chemical stuff that can make food unhealthy, cow dung helps the soil and makes food better for you. And guess what? Cow urine is like a super medicine for lots of illnesses. So, using cow dung and urine instead of chemicals is way better for everyone.

Let’s do Gauseva with Doon Animal Welfare

Importance of Gaumata – Doon Animal Welfare is one of the largest Gaushala of cows in Dehradun. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of these Gauvansh are milk barren. These cows are brought to our Gaushala from tough conditions. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after by hundreds of Gausewaks who work round the clock. This Gaushala is run by Milli Kaur. We do not exploit these cows for milk but distribute it free to saints and Gausewaks.

We started with just 9 cows in the year 2016 in Dehradun, and presently we shelter and feed more than 2000+ cows, bulls & Dogs in various locations all put together. This number is ever-increasing as stray Cows & Dogs mostly deserted by their owner are brought to our Gaushala every day.

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