According to Vastu Shastra, the smoke emitted from burning cow dung cakes holds great sanctity and effectiveness.
Cow dung is packed with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth.
Unlike chemical fertilizers, cow dung fertilizer is entirely natural and environmentally friendly.
Cow dung manure, derived from the decomposition of cow or other animal dung, is entirely organic. It is a God Gift to our earth.
If you are experiencing any skin-related issues or diseases, applying cow dung paste to your skin can be beneficial. It is recommended to use it two to three times a week.
In case of an electric shock, applying cow dung to the affected area can provide significant relief without harming the body.
In Hindu culture, cow dung holds great religious significance. It’s considered pure and sacred, often used in religious rituals and ceremonies.