Why Cow Milk is Healthier Than Buffalo Milk

Why Cow Milk is Healthier Milk is a common household item and it is really good for health. Kids especially need lots of nutrients from milk to grow strong. Doctors even recommend drinking milk because it has things like Vitamin D and calcium that make your bones strong. Milk is so nutritious that it’s considered […]

Types of Cow in India

Types of Cow in India: Exploring India’s Most Famous Cow Breeds India is a country known for its diverse cultures, traditions, and landscapes. One of the most significant aspects of Indian agriculture is cattle rearing, especially cows. Cows are not only valued for their milk but also revered in many parts of India. This blog […]

टॉप 10 गाय की नस्लें – Top 10 Cow Breeds in India

टॉप 10 गाय की नस्लें – Top 10 Cow Breeds in India भारत में गायों की कई नस्लें हैं, जिनमें से कई अब विलुप्त हो गई हैं और कुछ विलुप्त होने के कगार पर हैं। देसी गायों की ये नस्लें हमारी धरोहर हैं और इनका संरक्षण बेहद जरूरी है। आइए जानते हैं कुछ ऐसी ही […]