
Why Cow Milk is Healthier Than Buffalo Milk

Why Cow Milk is Healthier

Why Cow Milk is Healthier

Milk is a common household item and it is really good for health. Kids especially need lots of nutrients from milk to grow strong. Doctors even recommend drinking milk because it has things like Vitamin D and calcium that make your bones strong. Milk is so nutritious that it’s considered a complete meal by itself. But people often wonder which is better: buffalo milk or cow’s milk?

Cow’s milk is like a special drink, almost like nectar. In India, cows are highly respected and even called Kamdhenu. Among all animals, cow milk is considered the most beneficial, especially the milk from indigenous cow breeds. In India, cows are called as Gaumata because their milk is believed to be as important as a mother’s milk in keeping a child healthy. Ever wondered why cow’s milk is called nectar? Well, it’s because only cow’s milk contains vitamin A, which is really good for health and not found in milk of other animals. Even, cow’s milk is easy to digest, so sometimes it is given to newborn babies instead of mother’s milk.

Cow Milk Values – Why Cow Milk is Healthier

Cow’s milk is packed with nutrients that are really good for health. Such as calcium, which is important for bones, and it has a lot of other minerals too, like phosphorus, iron, sulfur, potassium, and sodium. Also, it has vitamins like C, A, and D. Eating ghee made from cow’s milk won’t cause skin or mental issues, and it can even boost your memory, help your eyesight, and make you stronger. And do not worry about getting fat from it. Cow’s milk won’t make you gain weight.

According to the UK National Health Service (NHS), cow’s milk and products like cheese and yogurt are great sources of calcium and protein, which are necessary for a healthy diet. It is especially good for kids and pregnant women because it helps bone development.

Cow vs. Buffalo: Why Cow Milk is Healthier

One big question people have that what is the difference between cow milk and buffalo milk? Well, according to the Union Ministry of Animal Husbandry, more people drink cow’s milk. That is because cow’s milk has less fat and is lighter, while buffalo milk is thicker. Cow’s milk is easier to digest, which is why it is more preferred, especially for young children. Buffalo milk is not good for children’s growth, and when babies cannot have their mother’s milk, cow milk is the best option. Cow’s milk is also better for patients because it is easy to digest compared to buffalo milk.

Check out our web stories: Top 5 Benefits of Gau Daan

Benefits of Cow milk

Cow’s milk is great for building strong bones, keeping teeth healthy, and preventing obesity, thyroid issues, and heart problems in children. It is fully packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals that help maintain bone strength and keep the heart healthy.

Cow’s milk has about 3-4% fat, while buffalo milk has 7-8% fat, making it thicker and heavier. This means it takes longer to digest. If you are trying to lose weight or want to avoid extra fat, cow’s milk is a better choice. Also, if you do not drink much water, cow’s milk is a good option because it is have 90% water, which helps keep you hydrated. Cow’s milk is also rich in vitamin D and supports to children’s mental growth.

Doon Animal Welfare

At our Gaushala, we take care of thousands of cows every day and night. We provide protection, food, and shelter to sick, hungry, homeless Cows and Bulls. Most of them are left behind by their owners or rescued from butchers. Let’s work together to make our present and future better by caring for these mother cows.

Doon Animal Welfare is helping to 2000+ Stray Cows in different ways, including providing funding, better home shelter, Cow Care, Medicine care, 24×7 manpower, and more.

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Posted in: Cow Milk Benefits, Adopt A Cow, Benefits of Having a Cow, Blog, Cow Care, Cow Charity, Cow Milk, Cow Types, Gaumata, गौमाता की सेवा

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